"Any fool can make history, but it takes a genius to write it."
Oscar Wilde

Current Events

Everyone pray for the Japanese.

Wiped out: Rescue workers are dwarfed by the scale of the rubble as they pick their way through the shattered city of Otsuchi
Does that look like a village to you?

Heart of the wasteland: Japanese survivors of Friday's earthquake and tsunami walk under umbrellas through the leveled city of Minamisanriku
Survival is very difficult.

Rescuers stand atop the roof of devastated houses at Ofunato, northeastern Japan
Searching for people amidst crushed houses.

A ship is seen perched on top of a house in the tsunami devastated remains of Otsuchi, Iwate prefecture
Evidence of a tsunami.

Note the aftershocks.

There is very little writing necessary for such an event. Everyone please pray or donate to Japan. Their country is shattered and they need help. It is amazing that a country, once our enemy, has become such a friend. Pray for recovery!